MacNamee Awards /Gradaim Mhic Con Mídhe

By Mary McEneaney Thu 16th Nov

MacNamee Awards /Gradaim Mhic Con Mídhe
MacNamee Awards /Gradaim Mhic Con Mídhe

The GAA MacNamee Awards are held annually to honour excellence in the area of communications, public relations and journalism, specifically related to the activities of the Association. These awards are named after the late Pádraig MacNamee, former President of the GAA, Chairman of the GAA Commission (1969-1971) and member of RTÉ authority.

Applications for the 2023 GAA MacNamee Awards are now being accepted. It should be noted that only work published or completed in the 2023 calendar years is eligible for consideration and entries will not be returned. The awards scheme will be judged under the following headings:

• Best Digital Impact Award
Award for a club or county’s use of existing digital channels, own creative content or cutting-edge innovations (video, streaming, podcasts, newsletter, archives, other) to present a story or activity
Entries should
– Illustrate the Who, What, Where, When and Why of entry
– Illustrate innovation or use of new technologies, where relevant
– Examples of content created for the campaign
– Examples of engagement with online community
– Illustration of results achieved and future development/use.
• Best GAA Publication
To cover general works focusing on the Association.
• Best GAA Club Publication
To cover GAA County Yearbooks and Club Histories.
• Best Photograph
Focusing on the best GAA-themed image.
• Best Programme
To cater for all match day programmes produced for any level of the GAA.

• Best GAA related Radio Programme
To cater for all GAA programming broadcast either nationally or locally.
• Provincial Media Award
To acknowledge high quality written journalism in a provincial publication.
• National Media Award
To acknowledge high quality written journalism in national daily or Sunday publication.
• Best TV Documentary
To acknowledge the high quality of TV documentaries currently produced on the GAA.
• Irish Language Award / Gradam na Gaeilge
To recognise excellence in the field of Irish language GAA journalism across all media/Aitheantas ar ardchaighdeán iriseoireachta Gaeilge bainteach le cúrsaí CLG, ina chuimsítear gach cineál meán cumarsáide.
* Please note: There is a limit of three photographs per entrant for the photographic award and one entry (jpeg forma) for all other categories.
A Hall of Fame Award / Outstanding Service Award will also be made in recognition of a prolonged personal involvement in the coverage of GAA activities to the highest standards.

All entries should be marked “GAA MacNamee Awards 2023” and addressed for the attention of Alan Milton, Director of Communications, Croke Park, Dublin 3 or emailed to . Entrants should also clearly state what category they are submitting their entry under.
Closing date for entries is Friday, 15th December 2023.
For further information please contact

By Mary McEneaney Thu 16th Nov

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