50/50 Draw takes place this Friday 29th. To get yourself organised for Friday, you can get your entry on the Clubforce link https://member.clubforce.com/memberships_cart_m.asp?LL_ID=2767&intMF_ID=7833#Anchor. This provides you with different payment options including setting up a 12 month direct debit subscription paid on a monthly basis which will ensure you are in for every draw. Alternatively, you can get an entry through REVOLUT to @bbol123 putting your name and contact telephone number in the note. Your support is very much appreciated as this is our primary source of fundraising.
Garda vetting: Castleblayney Hurling Club is committed to the welfare and protection of all our members. As part of this commitment the club requires all coaches, training assistants and volunteers who are associated with our underage teams to comply with the legal requirement to have Garda vetting. Please complete your vetting asap. Any questions, contact Marisa email: childrensofficer.castleblayneyhurling.monaghan@gaa.ie.
Community Support Fund the club would like to thank Monaghan Local Community Development Committee, Monaghan Local Authority, and the Dept of Rural and Community Development for their recent financial assistance, which will enable us to buy a club laptop and software. This is supported under the Community Support Fund.
Training times
U13’s Wednesday 6pm – 7pm, St Mary’s Juvenile Pitch, contact Jarlath 085 1081450
U15’s Monday 6pm – 7pm, Concra Pitch, contact Ger 087 1384387
Dates for your Diary
Clothing Collection, Saturday 7th October: is being organised by the club on Saturday 7th October with bagged items being dropped off at the dressing rooms at Concra pitch, Dundalk Road between 10am and 4pm. Accepted items include clothing, paired shoes, bags, hats, scarves, ties, curtains, bed linen. Unacceptable items: no dirty/wet clothing, no carpets or mats, no pillows or duvets, no material cut-off. All monies raised go to the club, a great way to recycle any of these items!
Curry Evening 13th October. More details to follow closer to the time.
Breaking news….Castleblayney Hurling Club Summer Camp July 8th – 10th 2024.
Monaghan U14 Development Squad well done to our club representatives, Nikodem Jancewicz, Dylan O’Sullivan, Tomás Meegan, Daithí McCarthy and Liam Bolger who enjoyed a great morning’s hurling last Sunday playing Louth GAA at Cloghan.
Best of Luck to the Faughs Ladies Senior team in their Intermediate Championship Final replay which takes place on Friday evening in Aughnamullen at 6.45pm.
By Mary McEneaney Wed 4th Oct