On Wednesday, 29th September, Monaghan Coaching and Games hosted the second of our Secondary Schools Super Games Football blitzes of the year at the Entekra Monagahan GAA Centre of Excelence in Cloghan. This weeks blitz was aimed at Second Year Boys with all 9 eligible Secondary Schools in the county taking part once again. Despite being Second Years, this was likely the first time that these players got to represent their school on the football field as no schools football was played last year. The blitz was a great success which saw over 350 boys participate as 29 teams played a minimum of 4 games each across 11 pitches.
Monaghan Coaching and Games would like to thank all the schools for taking part and all the teachers for helping out in mentoring/managing the teams on the day.
We would like to thank the 20 Transition Year students who came out to referee the games. These blitzes are a great opportunity the young students to learn and gain experience as referees.
We also want to thank Glen Murphy Photography for capturing some wonderful aerial images of the blitz.
Next weeks blitz will be for 3rd Year Boys. See below for dates of upcoming blitzes:
Please see below for a selection of photos from this weeks blitz;