Donaghmoyne Club Notes

By Mary McEneaney Fri 26th May

Donaghmoyne Club Notes 22/5/17


Numbers: 12-13-16-27 Jackpot: €3700 No Winner

Luck Dip Draw Winners;

1. Olly Woods

2. Brian Finnegan

3. Sean Mooney

4. Martin Casey

5. Homebase


Seniors: The seniors are back in action this Friday night when they make the trip to Clontibret in the senior league throw in 8.00 pm.

U16: In Division 1 of the U16 league Donaghmoyne are away to Castleblayney this Thursday at 7.00.

U12: The U12s have a home fixture against Inniskeen this Saturday at 12:00. Please come along and support all our teams.


Reserve League:

It was win one, lose one last week for the reserves, in the home game against Latton an excellent second half display by a youthful Donaghmoyne side saw the home team claim the two points. Unfortunately we couldn’t repeat the performance in the away trip to Scotstown on Sunday.

Mini Fontenoys:

Training continues this Saturday for our future stars in Donaghmoyne this Saturday 11:00 to 12:00. Parents of Under 6 children are reminded that they are needed to stay for the hour and give a hand; help is always needed at any age group so please stay and get involved. Cost 2€ per family, bring a drink and a gum shield.

Feile 2017:

The Countdown to Feile is on, and preparations are well underway for this prestigious event. As part of our fundraising we are holding a clothing collection. If you have any spare clothes, pairs of shoes, belts, linen or handbags please bag them up and get them to us for collection. This is an ideal way to clear out your cupboards and wardrobes! Contact Colin on 0879090477. We would like to thank Boyne Valley Waste for their kind Sponsorship of our feile team, also a big thank you to Padraig Flannagan who has very generously sponsored a set of Polo shirts for the U14 boys team.


Senior – Best Wishes to our Senior team who play in the Clann Eireann blitz this Saturday.

U16 Division 1 League – Killeevan vs Donaghmoyne on Monday evening the 15th May at 7pm in Killeevan. U14 Feile – Our U14 Feile team are holding a bake sale before and after 12noon mass in Broomfield on Sunday. All support greatly appreciated. G4M&O – Training will resume shortly for all those interested in playing for the year ahead. Communion – Congratulations to all the children within the parish who have made their first communion over the last few weeks.

By Mary McEneaney Fri 26th May

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