Sean Mc Dermotts Notes

By Mary McEneaney Wed 25th May


Our minors are now on their summer break but they had an important match last Tuesday against Cremartin in a table top fixture. In the April fixture, the Sean’s had been beaten by a single goal.

With shortages due to injuries the team was dealt a blow when Sean Grant was injured in the warm up. Ryan Connolly was despatched to full forward with Thomas Mc Phillips in goals.

David Hanley for Cremartin was causing problems until Marty Mc Guirk did an excellent man marking job on him. James Clerkin also stopped a lot of Cremartins attacks. Cremartin were 08-04 ahead but a great goal from Jason Kearns was the impetus for a great revival. This left the score at half time 1-9 to 0-8 in favour of the Sean’s. Aaron Mc Nally and Darren Morgan worked hard in Midfield with Aaron converting some 45’s which is a great skill to watch. Our German goal poacher Tobias also scored a vital goal. Ollie Mc Clave, worked hard up front and Ryan Mc Elvaney came in as a sub. Shane Kelly, Marc Murphy, Paddy Mc Phillips were strong in defence and contributed scores.

Cremartin scrambled a couple of goals which left the Sean’s trailing by 2 points with ten minutes to go. A vital penalty was then converted and the Sean’s won with a final score of 3-15 to 3-12. Weel done to Raymond Malone, the referee , who contributed to a great free flowing game.

The championship draw has been made with our minors playing the winners of Cremartin/Doohamlet in a semi final.

Our Foreign Connection

Over the past number of months our U16 and Minor teams have enjoyed the company and skills of two exchange students from Germany staying in the parish. Ole and Tobias have been a terrific asset to both teams. They have settled well and gelled with the squads. While Tobias has a couple of games remaining with the U16’s , both students will have returned home for the concluding stages of the league. The club and team officials would like to thank both players for their positive contribution and we wish them well. Bon Voyage.


The biggest and best bingo continues every Monday night in the Complex. Current jackpots are €12000 and €7500 on 45 calls. Prizes and jackpots cannot be beaten anywhere.

Totto. The number sequence 4,1,6,8,5,3,7,2 on Monday 2nd May for a jackpot prize of €11,000 were not correctly forecast.

The lucky dip winners were

Edel Mc Carron Blackraw, Frankie & Maureen McPhilips Slieveroe, Marie & Vera O Brien Togan, Carmel & Pauline Kieran Cabra, Madge Hagan Ballagh, Benny Connolly Gortanan, Geraldine Sherlock Monaghan, Fr Tom Coffey Corcaghan, Pauline Mc guigan Mullinahinch.


The club wishes to extend sympathy to Rose Mc Mahon and family on the passing of her brother, Michael Kennedy Galway.

By Mary McEneaney Wed 25th May

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