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Blackhill Notes

By Majella Boyd Tue 26th Apr

Eurotech Junior League: Blackhill defeated Killeevan last Saturday evening in Newbliss on a scoreline of Killeevan 0-08 Blackhill 2-14.

Junior Championship: Preliminary Round, Clones Vs Blackhill, takes place on Saturday 14th May at 7pm in Clontibret.

Reserve Championship: Crawley Cup Quarter Final, Doohamlet Vs Blackhill, takes place this Saturday (30th April) at 7pm in Doohamlet.

Reserve League: Blackhill defeated Drumhowan last week on a scoreline of Blackhill 2-09 Drumhowan 1-04.

Juveniles: Training for Under 10s, Under 8s and Under 6s continues every Saturday morning at 11am.

Emerald’s Weekly Draw: 1st Anna Mc Eleavy, Cullaville. 2nd Suzanna Mc Elroy, Latton. 3rd Anna Mc Eleavy, Cullaville.

Missing: There is a 6 foot table missing from the Social Centre. If the borrower could return it that would be much obliged.

Baby Joy: Congratulations to Edel Courtney and David Burden on the birth of their baby girl, Adrianna. Health & happiness to you all.

By Majella Boyd Tue 26th Apr

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