CLG Mhuineacháin - Official Monaghan GAA Website

Toome Notes

March 10th, 2016

Lotto:No winner for the week 7/3/16 numbers drawn were 9-19-20-21 winners of the 20 lucky  dip were Patsy Moore Anadrummond, Kathleen Lambe Anadrummond and Sarah Murphy Tipperary, next weeks jackpot is €3000e

Astro-Turf: anyone wishing to book a spot call 087-6503826

Referees: anyone wishing to become referee for the  club call Declan @ 087-7591104 or Irene @ 086-8243173

Thank You: Bridie Quinn wishes to thank everyone who attended her recent coffee morning and supporting 2 great charities

Poker Classic: once again we are going to host a poker classic in Corrigans Kicthen Castleblayney on April 3rd from 4pm onwards, tickets €30 with first prize of €500, raffle on the day, more details will  follow.

Pre-school: is now taking enrolments for September 2016

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