Lotto: Sunday January 12th 2014. Weekly Lotto Draw result. No Jackpot winner.10 X €15.00 Lucky Dip prizewinners:- Marcus Crowe, Newbliss. Mary Mc Philips, Scotshouse. Phil Flynn, Cara Street, Clones. Padraig Fay and Eileen Clerkin, Scotshouse. Colm & B Mc Caffrey, Clonlura. Eileen Clerkin, Scotshouse. Sean Mc Donald, Lisnaskea. Fr John Kearns, Garrison, Co Fermanagh. Barbara Larmer, Newbliss. Frank Mc Elvey, Newbliss. Next Weeks Jackpot, €3,900.00. Next draw will be held on Sunday January 19th 2014 in Connolly’s Bar.
Mouthguards: All players please remember that following the GAA’s Annual Congress the rule regarding mouthgaurds has become mandatory for ALL players, Seniors as well as under age, in ALL Gaelic football matches and TRAINING sessions from January 1st 2014.
Notes: News items are scarce at this time of year so if you have any news items that may be of interest to anyone, especially those abroad, please forward them to for inclusion.
By Majella Boyd Tue 14th Jan