Club Membership 2014:
Membership will be collected this Saturday night in the club social centre and are also available from the bar in the social centre, secretary & committee members costing €10 Full Membership & €10 Social Membership.
GAA National Club Draw:
Blackhill GFC are participating in the GAA‘s national club fundraising initiative. Tickets priced €10 are on sale from our players and committee members. All monies raised go direct to club finances. Prizes provided by the Ard Comhairle include a trip to the 2014 International Rules in Australia, All-Ireland packages, Corporate box concert tickets, a travel voucher and other great prizes.
The closed period for adult football is from the 25th June until the 7th July.
The DR Ward Cup Commences on the 23rd of March. The Reserve competition commences in mid-March
We drew Killeevan in the preliminary round of the Junior football championship.
Gum Shields:
The coming season sees the introduction of a new regulation which will make the wearing of gum shields compulsory for all players, during training and matches.
Young at Heart:
Young at heart will return next Monday February 3rd at 8pm.
Emeralds Lotto:
Jan 26th
1st Una Smyth, Carna.
2nd Patricia Gleeson, Bree.
3rd Jim Finnegan, C/O Blackhill.
Club Notes:
Email for club notes
By Majella Boyd Tue 28th Jan