Blackhill Emeralds G.F.C.
Get Well Soon:
Get well soon to Blackhill players Ciarán Courtney, Dermot Daly, Kevin McManus & Gerard McArdle who are all recovering from recent serious injuries or operations.
Gum Shields:
The coming season sees the introduction of a new regulation which will make the wearing of gum shields compulsory for all players, during training and matches.
Best of luck to Pádraig Sherry (Drumhowan) on his recent appointment as Cathaoirleach Coiste Chontae Muineachán and good luck to Paul Curran (Clontibret) & Seán McKenna (Monaghan Harps) who stood down at the A.G.M. after years of sterling service to Monaghan G.A.A.
Young at Heart:
The young at heart Christmas party on Monday night last was a great social occasion and drew a huge crowd. The committee will now take a well-earned break and young at heart will return in the New Year on Monday February 3rd at 8pm.
Christmas Party & Prize Draw:
The Blackhill Christmas party will be held on Saturday December 28th. The Christmas draw will take place at this function.
Club News
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Festive Wishes:
I would like to wish all our members, friends and good neighbours both at home and across the world a peaceful and healthy Christmas and New Year 2014.
By fmctiernan Wed 1st Jan