Lotto: The winning numbers this week were 1, 20, 21, 23. There was no winner, jackpot for next week is €2500. The winners of the lucky dip are Kathleen Malara New York, Patricia Betz New York, Eugene Quinn Armagh, Mary Hanratty Drumgoose and Chris Mooney Knockreagh.
Astro-Turf: Spaces available contact Louis @ 087-6503826.
A Mayo Prayer: An impassioned plea to the Mayo team from an impassioned Mayo supporter that is straight from the heart, and, which is a perfect example of what an All-Ireland win means to every man, woman and child in the western county, and, in every other county in the country for that matter. Check it out on the club website.
Circuit Training: taking place in the community centre on every Monday & Thursday night from 7.30 til 8.30, all ages, fitness levels, male and female, €5 pp. Everyone welcome.
Club Membership: is €40 for an adult, €20 for students, and €60 for a family and €30 for a single-parent family. Membership in the form of Club Toome is also available. Please get in touch with any committee member for further details.
By fmctiernan Wed 2nd Oct