Lotto: The winning numbers this week were 18, 19, 23, 14. The winners of the lucky dip were Kitty Mooney Drumgoose, Jason and Joseph Harte Tullynacrunet, Paddy Irwin Blayney, Thomas Callan Drumlandrick and Enda Rooney Blayney
Astro-Turf: Spaces available contact Louis @ 087-6503826.
Circuit Training: taking place in the community centre on every Monday & Thursday night from 8.30 til 9.30, all ages, fitness levels, male and female, €5 pp. Everyone welcome.
“The Wearing of the Green” is rapped this week by John McBride. Check out the Toome Website for his latest views.
Good Luck ; To the Monaghan ladies who compete for the 2013 All Ireland Ladies Senior title, when the take on Cork in Croke Park on Sunday 28th
Club Membership: is €40 for an adult, €20 for students, and €60 for a family and €30 for a single-parent family. Membership in the form of Club Toome is also available. Please get in touch with any committee member for further details.
Well done: to the under 11s on a brilliant display at the Emyvale blitz on Saturday last! They narrowly lost in the final to Drumhowan after beating Emyvale, Clones, Killeevan and Tyholland on the way.
Panel: Sean Callan, Patrick McGinn, Shane McCooey, Andrew Connolly, Eoghan Gorman, Patrick McMahon, Cormac McDonnell, Thomas McMahon, Liam Murphy, Cian Watters, Ryan Buckley, Oran McEneaney, Joseph McMahon.
By fmctiernan Wed 25th Sep