Castleblayney Hurling Club

By fmctiernan Tue 4th Jun

Blayney Hurling Club Notes



Training is at Concra Field all for young Hurlers on Wednesday evening’s 

U-6 ,U-8 &U-10 at 6.15pm

Under 12

U12 Training continues on Wednesday Evenings at 6.15 in Concra

With the first of our competitive games in the Monaghan League only a matter of a couple of weeks away, we need maximum numbers at training.

A Challenge game has been arranged away to Armagh Cuchullians on Monday 10 June. Timings and Arrangements will be sent out by text and posted on club Facebook Page.

Under 14

Our U-14 team had an excellent win over East Cavan Gaels in their Final of the HandCraft Hurleys Ulster Competition on Wednesday night last in Cloghan. The facilities were top class all credit to Emmett Flanagan and the weather at last was incredible.

The lads left the good win to the last and put on the best display of the year. Captain Jordan Carville let his team to victory in style with an amazing display at centre half back. Kian O’ Connor kept the score line down to two points by clearing everything that was thrown at him. Gavin Kelly was a rock at Full back and nothing got past him. Jason Kelly-Lynch was brave to start as he had been sick but came out and give his usual strong display at half back. Stephen Mc Nally took full control at mid field and put over some excellent frees. Colin Merrick was also very brave to play as he was injured but gave his usual 100% at mid field. The forwards really excelled with Joshua Mone man of the match and outstanding, scoring one goal and three points. Craig Callan was the hardest working player on the pitch and was the launching pad for alot of the scores.  Declan Hughes also showed his skills by putting over 5 excellent points,  Jack Mc Gurgan, Logan Mc Quillian, worked hard with Thomas Mc Caffrey, Joey Hughes tremendous in the forward line and Mark Brennan, Niall Hughes, Conor Brennan, Ryan Brannigan, Dean Mooney, Adam Collins all played their part in this fabulous win for the lads.

There next outing is in the Ulster Feile which takes place on the 22th June 13. The venue and details for this will be published later.

Training will resume on Monday the  10th June at Concra  7pm.

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Seniors made it 2 wins out of 2 in the Monaghan lg when they defeated Carrickmacross last Thursday.Best for Castleblayney on the on the night were Brian Mc Guigan, Hugh Byrne,Paddy Finnegan and the two treanors.Tonight (Thursday) night they play Monaghan harps in the first round of the championship in St Marys park Castleblayney at 8pm.

Club Membership

All players are reminded to bring membership subscription to Thursday nights match where membership cards will be issued. This is necessary to ensure players are covered by insurance.
Our Club website is up and running please check it out on where you can see what has been going on.
To the Boys National School on winning the school blitz last week.
By fmctiernan Tue 4th Jun

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