
By fmctiernan Tue 14th May

Sunday 12th May 2013

Currin GFC Notes


Sunday 12th May 2013. Weekly Lotto Draw result. Winning Numbers, 8, 15, 23, 25. No Jackpot winner. €15.00, Lucky dip prizewinners, Oliver Mc Caul, Scotshouse, Mary Mc Phillips, Dunsrim. Breda Marron, Scotshouse. Micheal Connolly, Clones. Raymond Boylan, Scotshouse. Eileen Clerkin, Killyfargy. Aiden Quigley, Lislea. Emma Rafferty, Scotshouse. Pat Mc Phillips, Aughareagh. Denis O Connell, Newbliss. Next Weeks Jackpot, €6,800.00. Next draw will be held on Sunday May 19th 2013 in Connolly’s Bar.

Senior Football

In the Intermediate League we had two games in the last week. We played Corduff  last Wednesday night away in Corduff.  In very blustery conditions the first half was a very even affair and despite conceeding a handy goal Currin lead at half time on the scoreline of 0-7 to 1-2. On the resumption Corduff took the lead again with another goal but then six unanswered points put us in the driving seat and we ran out comfortable winners, 0-15 to 1-7. Team and scorers:- Fergal Connolly, Sean Brady, Conor Mc Caffrey, Enda McCaffrey, Ciaran Mc Caffrey, Ben Clerkin, Gerard O Callaghan, Dick Clerkin, (0-5), Francis O Callaghan(0-1), Stephen Beatty, Jack Mc Carron, (0-6, 4f), Dara Brady, Niall Mc Entee (0-1), Philip O Callaghan, (0-2), Kieran Kearns. Subs used, Cian North for Niall Mc Entee. On Sunday last we played Cremartin in Scotshouse. With a number of games postponed because of the rain, conditions made flowing football difficult and Currin trailed at half time 1-3 to 0-4. But with the elements in our favour in the second half Stephen Smith signalled victory with a cracking goal and between the third and thirteenth minute we scored a goal and four points  without reply to take a commanding lead that was never to be relinquished. Team and scorers:- Fergal Connolly, Sean Brady, Conor Mc Caffrey, Enda McCaffrey, Ben Clerkin, Ciaran Mc Caffrey, Gerard O Callaghan, Dick Clerkin, (0-1), Francis O Callaghan, Stephen Beatty, Stephen Smith(1-2), Paddy Mc Dermott, Cian North, Jack Mc Carron, (0-6,), Philip O Callaghan,. Four valuable league points were gained while not playing particulary well. This is a good sign, but it is obvious that at this level we cannot become complacent. Well done lads on a good weeks work. Our next game is on Saturday next, 18th May, away to Inniskeen at 7.00 p.m. Check fixtures for possible late change.

Reserve Senior football

The Reserve football League Division Three continued last night away to Monaghan Harps.

Youth Affairs

On Saturday last, the U12 Spring League finals were held in Cloghan and both our 11 a-side and 9 a-side Currin/Clones teams were action. First up was the 11 a-side who up until now have faced very strong opposition in each of their games to date. Saturday’s opposition were Tyholland who had encountered similar results in their campaign, and were expected to provide a good test. The elements in Cloghan gave the lads a mixture of strong wind and heavy rain but credit to both teams, they entertained the watching crowd with good football despite these testing conditions. Our lads got off to a quick start with midfielders Reece Kearns and Conor Smyth picking up plenty of possession and  helped by good movement from a forward group of Maitiu Monaghan, Regan Graham and James and Danny Mc Quaid, with James slotting over two good scores. The half back line of Tiernan Kearns and Hugh McDonald attacked at every opportunity, overlapping and providing support and scores from Tiernan. Tyholland, with the aid of a strong wind, levelled the scores at 4 points each at half time. The second half was a tougher test with the addition of very heavy rain, but the game was competitive and good possession and scoring chances were very difficult to come by. The full back line of Jamie McQuillan and Jack McQuaid withstood some strong pressure and set up a number of good passing moves for the team, culminating in some fine scores. One point down with four minutes remaining, midfield gained the upper-hand, and a superb levelling score from Conor Smyth followed by a fine point from substitute Jordan Reinhart gave the lads an exciting, 0-8 to 0-7 win. This was just reward for all their hard work put in at training and hopefully will build the necessary confidence for the soon to start summer league. Well done to all, players and mentors.


Currin/ Aghabog had their first game against Castleblayney, and ended up winners by a three point margin. This was a great game from start to finish. Special mention has to be made of  Kevin Murphy who was outstanding in goals, saving a penalty and three ‘one on ones’. Terry Mc Entee and Ronan King played well in defence, while up front, Tyler O Hanlon was superb. This week they played Tyholland which saw another fine performance from Kevin in goals with Jason Mc Kiernan, Dylan Greenan, Michael Clerkin and Owen Mc Carville playing really well. This was a tight game in which we fell short by the narrowest of margins. Next game is tonight 16th away to Doohamlet.


Clones/Currin U14 teams continue their league campaigns this week with the Division 1 team away to Scotstown on Tuesday 14th May and the Division 5 team away to Emerald Sarsfields on Saturday 18th May. Training continues each Monday from 5 – 6pm in Largy College.



By fmctiernan Tue 14th May

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