
By michael Wed 17th Apr

Inniskeen Country Fest 2013

Come along to our Annual May Bank Holiday (Fri 3rd – Mon 6th) country music festival in Pairc Grattan.

Featuring this year is:

Friday 3rd May: Declan Nerney (€15)

Saturday 4th May: Setanta (€10)

& Sunday 5th May: Mike Denver (€15)

Monster Bingo on Sun at 3pm

Also a new addition to this year’s festival is:

Family Fun Monday, which features

Charity 7 aside football tournament “Clash of the Clans”.

This Unisex tournament involves playing fun matches with members of your Family/Clan.

Feel free to contact us (on the below number) if you wish to submit a team.

There are many more activities on the day such as sports day events for all ages, face painting, BBQ etc.

The Festival weekend will be brought to a climax in the Marquee with a presentation of the “Clash of the clans” winners and a traditional Music Session (everyone welcome to bring an instrument and join in).

Weekend tickets are available at an unbeatable price of €25.

This ticket will allow you entry into each nights show along with your family to the fun day, unbelievable value.

They can be obtained from any of our committee members or by calling 087 9004463.

Entry also available on the night.


Finally our IFL campaign got under way last Sunday against Donaghmoyne in Pairc Grattan.

Unfortunately the strong wind left playing conditions difficult however Inniskeen settled first with scores from Mixie Lennon, Donal Meegan and Robbie Lorenze.

Donaghmoyne Answered back with 2 points however Inniskeen, as you could expect playing with a very strong wind dominated the rest of the half scoring a further 7 points (Paul Meegan X 2, Donal X 2, Robbie, Mixie and Ronan Meegan) and kicking 8 wides.

As you can expect the second half was a different ball game as Donaghmoyne came out with all guns blazing scoring 2 points in quick succession.

However the lads dug deep and played a very smart short game with ball in hand on the back of some Aerial Domination by big Gerry McArdle.

Donaghmoyne were as guilty of wasting as many chances (9 wides) as we were in the first half. They only contributed a further 2 points.

We followed up with scores from Donal, Ronan and Shane Woods who came off the bench to make his IFL debut.

Unfortunately some of the Gloss was taken off the final result with the news that Shane was taken to hospital after suffering a serious Shoulder Injury.

We would like to give our best wishes to Shane and hope that he has a speedy recovery.

He is certainly a talent we can all be excited to see in the red and green in the future.

The game ended in a Scoreline of Inniskeen 0-13 to Donaghmoyne 0-06.

Good start to the campaign by beating a very strong Donaghmoyne outfit, next up Corduff on Wed 17th. By the time you are reading this hopefully we will have made it 2 wins out of 2.

Scorers: Donal Meegan 0-04, Paul Meegan 0-02, Ronan Meegan 0-02, Robbie Lorenze 0-02, Mixie Lennon 0-02 & Shane Woods 0-01.

Lotto Results:


There was no Jackpot winner this week; the draw took place on Monday 15/04/2013.

The numbers drawn where: 3: 10: 11: 18 next week’s Jackpot is €4,200.

€20 Lucky dip winners were:

Lilly Monaghan (P.Meegan)

Shelia McSkane (J.Boyle)

Kate McCully (R.Ashfield)

Luke Mulholland (T.Mulholland)

Hugh Rafferty (J.Boyle)

Next draw takes place Monday 22nd of April.

Next Rota’s as follows:

May: Tommy Mul, Gemma, Robbie & Raymond

June: Pete M, Tommy McK, Brendan & Mary

Don’t forget to have those envelopes at the club house for 7pm sharp each week.

Thank you for the support


We would like to express our condolences and sympathy to Helen Patterson and Family, St Daigs Tce on the very untimely death of her son David Patterson in London.

David’s cousin, Jarlath McGeeney is a valued member of both our football panels.

Ar dheis lamh De go raibh a anam dilis.

Committee Meeting

Our next Meeting is on Monday the 22nd Apr at 7.30 Sharp. Mainly Country fest on the agenda.

Defibrillator course

Inniskeen Red Cross holds a defibrillator course in St Daig’s School on the Last Monday of every Month.

The Next course will take place on Apr 29th.

We encourage as many people as possible to take this course.
To book your place call Tomas Ruddy on 087 7657198 or Gerry Dooley on 0872342278

The Course is tailored to both new members and refresher applicants.

Gaeltacht Scholarships (Last chance)

Interviews for Gaeltacht Scholarships to Coláiste Bhríde, Rann Na Feirste will be held in GAA Administration Office Cloghan on Saturday 20th April 2013.

Interviews for students who are pre Junior Cert will start at 10am, while interviews for post Junior Cert and Leaving Cert students will begin at 11.30am.

No pre booking is required

Your Club needs you!!!!!

Volunteers are needed to carry out some maintenance and pre festival preparation on the grounds of Pairc Grattan.

Pete with be immobilizing his crew from 9am on Saturday 27th. Come along and give us a hand and have a bit of crack.


IFL: Inniskeen 0-13, Donaghmoyne 0-06

Dev Hurling league: Clontibret 1-07 Inniskeen 2-14

Upcoming Fixtures (Team named first at home)

IFL: Innskeen Vrs Corduff, Wed 17th @ 7.15pm

Dev Hurling league: Trugh Vrs Inniskeen, Thurs 18th @ 7.15pm

Ulster Minor Hurling Shield: Monaghan Vrs Cavan, Pairc Grattan, Fri 19th @ 7.30pm

IFL: Clones Vrs Inniskeen, Sun 21st @2pm

Minor football league: Inniskeen Vrs Emerald Sarsfield, Tues 23rd @7.15pm

Reserve Football League: Corduff Vrs Inniskeen, wed 24th @7.30pm

Grattans Oige


U 14 D1 Football Championship: Killanny 5-12 Inniskeen 3-12, Tues 9th

U 12 Football Spring League:  The U12 teams played against Donaghmoyne at home last Saturday.

The 9 aside team played first and this was a game which the wind had a huge influence on.

Inniskeen were 3 points to nil up after the 1st half but unfortunately this was not enough when they played against the wind in the 2nd half and were  beaten on a score line of 11 points to 4.

Best for Inniskeen were Gareth Burns, Adam Mc Skane, Dean Hoey and Conor Curtis

The 11aside team fared much better and won their game. Again the wind was a factor but Inniskeen had built up a better score by half time and held on to win at the end.

Best for Inniskeen were Sean Jones, Jack Casey Hoey, Patrick Burns, Conor Gernon Pauric Keenan and Shane Hanratty

U14 Hurling Championship: Inniskeen conceded to Monaghan Harps.

U14 Hurling League: Truagh Conceded to Inniskeen.


U16 Football League: Eire Og Vrs Inniskeen, Thurs 18th @ 6.45pm

U14 Football: Truagh Vrs Inniskeen, Sat 20th @ 1.15pm

U 12 A&B: Blaney Vrs Inniskeen, Tues 23rd @ TBC

Please come out and support our stars of the future.


By michael Wed 17th Apr

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