Monaghan Harps notes

By michael Tue 26th Mar

Fixtures: Wednesday, March 27: Under-14 FL Division One v Killanny (Home) at 6pm

Saturday, March 30: RFL Division 3 v Blackhill (Away) at 5pm; Under-12 Football Spring League Zone A v Scotstown (Home) at 12pm; Zone B v Scotstown (Home) at 1.15pm

Sunday, March 31: SFL v Magheracloone (Away) at 4pm

Monday, April 1: MHL Truagh Harps v Castleblayney at 5pm; Under-14 HL v Inniskeen (Away) at 6.15pm

Tuesday, April 2: MFL Division One v Magheracloone (Away) at 7pm; Under-14 FL Division One v Magheracloone (Home) at 6.15pm

Wednesday, April 3: RFL Division 1A v Castleblayney (Away) at 7pm


Monaghan Harps Lotto: Numbers 5, 7, 13, and 28. Jackpot of €3,850 not won. Residual prizes: €100 Paddy Bradley c/o Paddy Donnelly; €40 Dermot McKenna c/o Bernie McKenna €40 Patrick Quilligan c/o Noel Hennessy; €40 John McKenna c/o Cosy Bar. Jackpot for Sunday, March 31 is €4,000 and. All welcome. Anyone who has sold a direct-debit is asked to pass the details on to the Lotto committee as soon as possible, so they can be entered into our weekly draw straight away. The Monaghan Harps Lotto plays an integral role in the running of the club. If you want to volunteer to get involved in any way (e.g. selling tickets), please contact any committee member.


Seniors: The Senior Football League starts this Sunday, when we have an away game against Magheracloone at 4pm. Good luck to the players and management. All support welcome.


Reserves: Our rescheduled RFL Division 3 game away to Blackhill takes place this Saturday at 5pm, while the O’Duffy Cup team travel to Castleblayney next Wednesday for a 7pm throw-in.


Under-21s: Our Under-21 footballers were made to wait a bit longer to get their season up and running after last weekend’s game against Killanny fell foul of the weather. The next scheduled fixture is at home to Donaghmoyne on Wednesday, April 10.


Minors: Our minor footballers were also left to wait another week for the start of the league after the rescheduling of the county minor match forced the postponement of the first round, but they will play Magheracloone away next Tuesday at 7pm.


U-14: The Under-14 season begins tonight for our Division One team, who are up against Killanny at 6pm. The lads are at home to Magheracloone next Tuesday.


U-12: The Under-12 Football Spring Leagues start this Saturday. We have a double-header against Scotstown, starting at 12 noon.


Hurling: The Truagh Harps minor hurling amalgamation have a home game against Castleblayney on Monday at 5pm. Check website for venue. Our Under-14 hurlers, who got a walkover from Truagh in round one, are also in action on Monday away to Inniskeen.


Membership: Under GAA rules, the deadline for affiliation is the end of this month, so membership money should be paid to registrar Maurice Galligan as soon as possible. Fees for 2013 are being maintained as follows: €20 per adult, €10 per child or €50 for a family of two adults and any number of children. All players must be paid-up members.


Patsy Kearns: Patsy Kearns celebrated his 80th birthday with the help of a large crowd in the clubhouse last Friday night. Patsy is synonymous with Monaghan Harps, having held a number of roles in the club over an amazing 65 years, including his current position of Honorary President and above all, he is known as a true gentleman. He recalled his time helping to manage teams in the 1960s and 1970s, including the 1975 minor team which he regards as the best Harps side he has seen. The esteem in which Patsy is held by all at the Harps was shown by the attendance of members from all parts of the club and by the words spoken by Chairman Dermot Brannigan and some of the players who he mentored. Well done to his family on preparing an enjoyable night, with the highlight being a DVD documenting Patsy’s early years in Castlebellingham and his time in Monaghan. We wish Patsy many happy returns and we also send our best wishes to his wife, Kathleen.


Saturday morning coaching: Our Saturday-morning coaching for Under-10s resumes next week (April 6). Anyone who wants to help out in any way is more than welcome to get involved.


Harps watches: We are now selling wrist-watches with the Harps crest for €10. Contact Liadhan Treanor at 086 7837204 for more details.


Hard luck: To Liam Hahessy and the county Under-21 footballers who lost out after extra-time against Cavan in the Ulster championship last Wednesday.


Easter camps: There are still places available for the Farney Academy three-day Easter camps will take place for the third year running from April 2-4. The camp is for boys and girls aged between five and 12 and will be run in three venues in the (Scotstown, Ballybay and Clones). Gaelic football will be at the core of activities during the camp, but activities will also include hurling and camogie. All activities will be delivered by qualified coaches who will ensure your kids have an enjoyable experience. Entry Fee: €40 for first child and €35 for additional children from the same family; free hoodie for all participants. For further information, contact Games Development Manager Paul O’Connor by email at or phone at 086 8374827.


The Gathering: We are organising some events for current and former Harps players and members to coincide with the ‘Gathering’ initiative. It is hoped to have the first of these next month. Anyone willing to get involved can contact any committee member.


Scoláireachtaí Gaeltachta: Interviews for Gaeltacht Scholarships to Coláiste Bhríde, Rann Na Feirste will be held in GAA Administration Office, Cloghan on Saturday, April 20. Interviews for students who are pre Junior Cert will start at 10am, while interviews for post- Junior Cert and Leaving Cert students will begin at 11.30am. No pre-booking is required.


By michael Tue 26th Mar

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