Eire Óg

By michael Tue 5th Mar

Eire Og Na Mullai Notes

7th March 2013

Alpha Lotto – There was no outright winner of the weekly draw held on Sunday night in the Skule Inn. Letters drawn were V,A,D & E . The following won the 7 X €20 prizes Dympna Sherlock, Magherarney, Kathlena Leonard, Clones, Kevin Mc Kenna, Mulladuff, Emma Mc Gorman, Coolatty, Gus Mc Gorman, Coolatty,  Farrah Lambe, Annamartin, Enda Lambe, Derrintony. Congratulations and thanks to all our supporters and sellers. Next Sunday nights draw will be held in Bens Place.  The Jackpot will be €7,150.

Senior Training – Training continues every Wednesday and Friday for all players. Please check with mgt for times.

2013 Club Membership – At this time of year the club has to pay registration fees to the GAA for all teams for all the various competitions and this puts financial pressure on the club at an early stage of the year. Therefore, it is vital that all membership fees of €20 are paid in a timely manner to Enda McCluskey.

Charity Table Quiz in aid of 3Ts, turn the tide of suicide takes place in the Skule Inn on Saturday night coming, 9th March starting at 9pm. Table of 4 €20. Spot prizes and finger food on the night. Please come along to support this worthy cause.  All donations welcome.  Also remembering Kieran Mc Carey who passed away 9th March 2003.


Club Gear Bag – Orders are currently being taken from anyone who wants to purchase an Eire Og Club Gear Bag. The cost of the bag is €24. Money can be given to Margaret or Ciaran before March 29th.

Poker Classic – This year’s poker classic will be on Friday 15th March at 8pm in the Skule Inn. Tickets, priced at €30, are on sale at the moment from club members. There is guaranteed prize money of 40% payout and we would expect to match if not exceed last year’s prize fund. Buy backs and top ups will again be in operation. Your support would be greatly appreciated.

Minors – Training tonight (Thursday) at 7.30pm in the training field.  The minors will play a challenge game on Sunday next at 11am in Smithboro.  All players to be in the dressing room for 10.30am.

No Mouth guard? No Game! –  a reminder to all parents and underage players. It is now compulsory to use a mouth guard in all football games and training sessions from 1st January 2013. Please ensure that you have one in your gear bag at all times. It would be advisable for all adult players to get used to gum shields also as it will be compulsory for them in a year’s time.

Congratulations – to clubman Jim O Rourke on his recent appointment to the role of Ulster provincial Referees Administrator.

By michael Tue 5th Mar

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