
By michael Tue 19th Mar

Donaghmoyne Club Notes


1-8-18-22         Jackpot€7000          No Winner

1) Ciara Malone, Lackafin

2) Siobhan Markey, Donaghmoyne

3) Sinead Callan, Cullentraduff

4) John Healy, c/o Oran Cashell

5) Niall Kelly, Donaghmoyne


The U21 squad have their first game of the year this Sunday at home against Magheracloone at 2 o clock. This is a strong group of players so come out and support in numbers.

U16s + Minors:

U16 and minor training continues Tuesday and Thursday at 6.45 in Donaghmoyne.


U14 training continues Monday evening at 5.30 in Donaghmoyne. All must attend.

U10s + U12s:

U10 and U12 training continues Saturday morning at 11 o clock and U12s also continue training on Wednesdays at 6.30.

Mini Fontenoys:

The minis training continues Saturday at 11 in Donaghmoyne, weather permitting. All new children from the ages of u6s up to u10s are welcome. Every child must have a gumbshield otherwise they cannot participate. Cost is €2 per family. Also any parents willing to get involved in coaching are more than welcome.


Congratulations to Tomas Og Deery and Sarah on the birth of their daughter.

 Recently Deceased:

The club extends its sympathies to the O Brien family on the death of Martin formally of Fort View Lisdoonan.

Juvenile Presentation Night:

The Juvenile Presentation night is taking place on Saturday 6th of April in Lisdoonan Centre. Every team from and including U10s up to Minors have medals to receive so don’t miss out.

GAA CUL Camps:

The GAA CUL Camp in Donaghmoyne this summer is taking place from Monday 29th July – Friday 2nd August so keep this week free.

Coaching Courses:

Under 12/14 coaching courses taking place on Thursday 21st and 28th of March in the High School Carrickmacross from 7.30-9.30. These workshops are open to anyone interested in catching up on their coaching skills.


Race Night:

The Race Night has been postponed until a later date but everyone is asked to keep selling. We ask everyone to kindly support the Race Night and to try and support our club as much as possible.


The ladies Annual General Meeting is now taking place on Friday 29th of March at 9pm in the clubrooms.

By michael Tue 19th Mar

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