
By michael Wed 20th Mar

Sunday March 17th  2013

Currin GFC Notes


Monday March 18th 2013. Weekly Lotto Draw result,  Winning Numbers, 10-11 -15-17. €15.00,  Lucky dip prize-winners, Tommy Carey, Scotshouse. Margaret Beggan, c/o Clones Credit Union. Siobhain Mc Kenna, Redhills. Niamh Rudden,  c/o Aidan. The Connolly Clan, Drumsloe. Cathal O Neill, c/o Mary Mc Phillips. Vincent Lynch, Clones. Jonathan O Connor, Drumsloe. Andy Fay,             Scotshouse. Mairead Donohoe, Clones. Next Weeks Jackpot has now reached €6,000.00. Next draw will be held on Sunday March 24th 2013 in Connolly’s Bar.

Senior football

With no Reserve fixture last weekend our Seniors played an entertaining and very beneficial challenge match with our Fermanagh neighbours, Newtownbutler, on Friday night. The scores ended in a draw but both teams will take alot of positives out of the game.

Juvenile and Youth  affairs.

U14’s, Training for Clones/Currin, in Clones on Monday evening in Largy College. U-14 Div 1, see fixture list for definite fixtures.

U-12’s, Training continues on Fridays at 5:30 to 6:30 at Largy College, Clones, and a challenge game this Sunday for the U-12s team against Latton this Sunday @ 11:30, please be in village for 10:15.Sunday morning.

U-16’s,  Training for Currin /Aghabog has started. It takes place in Currin this week, 6.30pm until 7.45pm. Niall Mc Entee and Enda Mc Caffrey are the Currin mentors for the U16s. Don’t forget gumshields! All juveniles membership fees are due now and should be paid as soon as possible.

St Patrick’s Day Parade

Congratulations to Mary, Aidan, Seamus and all our young and not so young members for once again taking part in the annual St Patrick’s Day parade in Clones. As usual a big thanks to Eamon and Scanbitz for the transport.  The ‘Blue and Gold’ was very prominent.


It has reached that time of the year again. Membership is due and should be paid to any committee member, before the end of the month.


By michael Wed 20th Mar

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