
By michael Tue 12th Mar

Intermediate Football League: Our first game against Drumhowan is fixed for Saturday march 30th at 5pm

Reserve Football League: We had to concede our Reserve league game on Sunday against Killeevan due to lack of numbers. our next game is against Carrick on Wednesday  3rd april.

Under 12 : Our under 12  starts there spring league this Saturday at home to Doohamlet with a 12 noon throw in,
Under 14: Start their league campaign on Saturday 24th away to Toome
Busy Weekend: Last weekend was a busy weekend for Corduff Representatives first Mark Gilsenain was part of the Management team of Ardee Community School who played in the all Ireland Final, then it was the turn of the corduff representative on the St Louis team Sarah Mc Enaney and Eva Woods.
Well Done : To Monaghan under 21’s especially Corduff representatives on capturing the Shamrock cup last Wednesday night

Membership: Reminder membership is now due, players who have not paid their membership is not insured to play/train so is of the utmost important this is paid asap.

Yearly Lotto: We again this year are offering the opportunity to purchase a yearly lotto. The lotto is essential in the day to day running of the club and we ask you for your support. Yearly tickets can be purchased for €80, payment can be made upfront or by direct debit monthly. For more information or to purchase a yearly lotto please contact John on 0873577692.

Mouth guards: From January 1st 2013 it will be compulsory for all players up to and including minor to use a mouth guard for training sessions and all matches. The mandatory use of mouth guards at Under 21 and Adult level will commence from January 1st, 2014

By michael Tue 12th Mar

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