
By michael Tue 12th Mar

Junior B’s Had a solid start to their League campaign with a 4-10 to 2-09 win over local rivals Currin. Currin got off to an excellent start rushing into a four pioint lead. Clones steadied well and were dominant for most of the game before Currin finished strongly. There was excellent performances from Ethan Audley, Cian O’Connor, Brian McDonald, Ross Adamson and Fintan Cunningham. Hopefully the lads can continue their winning ways. Team: John Holland, Eoin Kelly, Eugene Holland, James Gibson, Edward Treanor, Brian McDonald, Daragh Graham, Ross Adamson, Fintan Cunningham, Ethan Audley, Sarto Quigley, Cian O’Connor, Gerard Foy, Niall Nolan Jnr, Ciaran Kelly. Subs Used: Ryan O’Connor, Sean Cunningham, Shane Farrell, Niall Maguire,  Next up is Clontibret in Clontibret at 5pm on Saturday the 16th of March. Please Support!!

Senior Training continues Friday Night at 7.45. There continues to be great numbers at training so keep it up lads.

Minor Training; back this week in Smithboro on Thursday night, could all players meet on the diamond for 7pm.

Juvenile Training is commencing again this coming week, details are as follows; U8’s / U10’s on Tuesday in Largy College from 5 to 6pm.  U12’s continue on Friday from 5:30 to 6:30pm in Largy College and 11am to 12:30pm on Sunday in Currin, we are asking parents to carpool for Sunday morning matches to Currin pitch. U14’s on Monday night from 5pm to 6pm and will continue at this time for the coming weeks. Registration forms and Membership are now due so please return to Team Coaches or Joanne. The ask is that parents equip their children with mouthguards.

Mouth-Guards: It is now compulsory in all football matches and training for all age grades up to and including minor to wear a Mouth Guard. No player will be allowed to participate in training or matches without one.  The official GAA & GPA Mouth Guard is now available from SuperValu Clones for a fantastic €7.

Strength and conditioning for under 16’s Monday and Wednesday evening at 6:30 o’clock up in the ‘Holy Ground’.  If you haven’t been attending ‘tighten up’ as you’re gonna be left behind by your peers.

Easter Camp being held this year in St Tiernachs on the 2nd,3rd and 4th of April for 5 to 12 year olds boys and girls. Under 15 Football Blitz to be held in Cloghan this Friday 15th and Thursday 21st from 7 to 9:30pm.  Your coaches will be in contact.

Coaches:  Underage coaching in Scotstown on Thursday evenings, for all mentors and coaches of U8’s, U10s, U12’s and It goes without saying but I’ll say it anyway that the better equipped our coaches are the better the training sessions and matches will be.  “Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail” Contact Phelim for details.

Membership: Note to all that membership is now due.  Players membership is €20, Ordinary membership €10, Juvenile €5 and Family Membership €25.  This is payable to the registrar Karen McKenna.

St Patricks Day Parade

Club Juveniles will be a involved in the St Patricks Day Parade this Sunday. Everyone to meet at 11.45 St Tiernachs Park. This promises to be a great day so get your gear on and parade in front of the whole town. Parents can collect their children from the Credit Union Car Park.

Best Wishes

Best Wishes to Damien ‘DODA’ McGorman as he recovers from his recent operation. Teams all around Monaghan will be hoping he will be back refereeing soon.

County Team

Well Done to Fintan and the Monaghan team on a well deserved and hard fought 2 point win on Saturday night. Next up is Wicklow in Clones this Saturday at 2pm in Clones.

Happy Birthday

The club would like to wish a Happy Birthday to Patrick McCarville. He will no doubt treat himself after his lucky dip win!

Lotto Results: St. Tiarnach’s G.F.C. Lotto 11/03/2013, Jackpot €7,000.  Numbers drawn 7,8,17,26. No Winner.  Lucky Dip Winners; Mary Logue, Golf Club, Noel Smyth, Drumreenagh, John McCaughey, Liseggerton, Patrick McCarville, C/O Creighton Hotel, Noel, Gerry, John, The Tower Bar. Sellers Prize Frankie Dolan.  Next Week’s Jackpot €7,100 Draw will take place in The Creighton Hotel. Thank you to all Ticket Buyers and Sellers your support is appreciated.


By michael Tue 12th Mar

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