
By michael Tue 19th Mar

Blackhill Emeralds G.F.C. club notes

Annual presentation

The Annual presentations took place last Friday night, the highlights of which were Gene Murphy was awarded club person of the year for 2013 and the medal presentation was made to the reserve division four winning squad.


Training Tuesdays & Fridays 8PM sharp.

Emerald Sarsfields

U14’s Training 7pm on Thursdays in Oram.


Training Friday and Tuesday 6.30 – 7.30. All players must have gum shields to train. Please be in dressing rooms by 6.15.


U21’s Blackhill v Tyholland (Away) Sunday March 24th 2pm. Players meet at dressing rooms at 12.45.   


Sincere sympathy to Kevin McCabe Tattygar, following the recent passing of Phyllis, a lady who will be greatly missed in the Blackhill and wider community.  Ar dheis Dé go raibh a-nAnamachta dhílis.   

New Arrival

Congratulations to Elaina Daly and Raymond Carragher on the recent birth of Sophia.                                            

GAA Gaeltacht Scholarships

Interviews for Gaeltacht Scholarships to Coláiste Bhríde,  Rann Na Feirste will be held in GAA Administration Office Cloghan on Saturday 20th April 2013. Interviews for students who are pre Junior Cert will start at 10am, while interviews for post Junior Cert and Leaving Cert students will begin at 11.30am.

No pre booking is required.

By michael Tue 19th Mar

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