
By michael Tue 12th Mar

 Senior Teams, Training has now commenced for Senior, Junior and U21 players each week.1st senior game of the season is against Carrickmacross on 31st March at 2 pm in Carrickmacross.
Junior B’s. Junior team lost their 1st game of the season in Ballybay 2pm against Tyholland. Next game against Cremartin on Sat 16th Mar at 12 noon in Ballybay
St.Pats U-16’s and Minors. Training continues every Tuesday and Thursday in Ballybay at 6-30pm in top field, please bring boots and gum shields
Full attendance please.
Juvenile Flag day.The Juvenile committee would like to express a huge thank you to everyone who supported their flag day last weekend, all who collected and helped out in any way, also thanks to Paddy Gilmore for the use of his tables.
Easter GAA Camps 3 day Easter camp to be held on 2/3/4th April for boys and girls aged 5-12years old in Ballybay Pearse Bros from 10-30am to 2-30pm. Entry Fee €40 for 1st child and €35 additional child includes free hoddy. Please contact Paul O’Connor 086-8374827
Shamrock cup. Monaghan U21’s won the Shamrock Cup against Tyrone on  Wed last  in Emyvale, Even with very poor playing conditions Monaghan came away with the convincing score to beat Tyrone. Next game is Championship game against Cavan in Cavan on Wed 20th March. Good luck.
Mouth guards – It becomes mandatory to use a mouth guard in all football matches and training sessions for all age grades up to and including minors from January 1st 2013, and at U21 and Adult level from January 1st 2014. All parents ensure that each player has suitable mouth guard for their own safety.
Ballybay Bulgebusters 5k Fun Run  The organisers of Bulge Busters would like to thank everyone who participated in Bulge busters to make it a great success. Thanks to all the class instructors who made each night so enjoyable. The grand finale of the 5k run was attended by 120 runners, Winners Male.1 Connor Duffy 2 Killian Heery 3 Kiernan Sherlock. Female 1 Donna Evans 2 Niamh O’Brian 3 Brenda Mc Fadden. Well done to all who ran or walked the 5k. A big thank you to all who helped on the day in all area’s and especially to all the sponsers who made this possible, Look forward to seeing you at next event. Well done to Imelda and Jackie for organising the entire Bulge Buster event
Club Membership Membership is now due and only 2 weeks to join the club. Membership can be paid to Paddy Kerr and John Keenan. 50€ per per person which includes entrance into all Pearse Brothers home league games or 20€ per person. Membership must be paid before 31st March and all players must have membership for players insurance,                                                                                                  Blotto No’s 1-2-3-9. Jackpot €2900                                                                          Championship Video Copies of the county championship final is available from

Smiths newsagents

Bingo, Bingo every Tues night at the centre at 9pm. Jackpot €2100.

By michael Tue 12th Mar

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