Sean McDermotts

By michael Wed 6th Feb

Sean’s Notes

Adult Team news.   It appears the adult squad wintered well if rumours emanating on the grapevine after last week ends fitness tests are to be believed. According to new manager Adrian Larkin there is plenty of room for improvement but he is happy so far with the efforts being made by the squad to get into shape. The management team and all squad members send their very best wishes for a speedy recovery and a swift return to action to David Mc Entee, following an operation this week. Everyone involved with the club would echo those sentiments and hope his stay on the side line will be a very short one. Training this week continues at the usual times, weather/pitch conditions will dictated whether sessions are indoor or outdoor; come prepared!!! boots and runners.

Cultural Night. Our Traditional Irish Music session takes place on this Friday night, 8th February @ 9pm sharp. We hope to see many more of our club patrons coming out and lending their support to our efforts to promote the cultural aspects of our Gaelic heritage. It is a great night’s entertainment embracing as it does the legacy of traditional music and song. We are very grateful to all local musicians and visiting instrumentalist who have established the second Friday night of each month as a must be there night in their session diaries. They deserve our support and encouragement, hopefully the backing and boost their effort merits will be evident on Friday night next. Everyone welcome, refreshments (tea & sandwiches) served.  Reminder too that if anyone is interested in the club organising or attending an Irish language class, please contact 087 6481122 to register that interest.

 Scór Sinsir. Our club representatives will be taking part in the Scór Co. Final, on 22nd February in Clontibret (note change of date). We’ll be competing in 3 categories. Thank you to David Treanor, Peter Cullen & Pat Kieran, for filling the Quiz Team, to Louise Keelan for Solo Singing, plus Anne Morgan, Trish McElvaney, Rosaleen McElvaney, Louise Keelan & Bronagh McCabe, for making up the Instrumental Group. All support on the night would be greatly appreciated.

 Membeship. Membership subscriptions are now due for renewal and should be paid to club registrar Marie Mc Entee over the coming weeks. Our club membership fee remains at €20. Playing members are reminded too that they must have their subscriptions paid before they can be selected or participate in any games in the coming season.

Dancing for Fun. Dancing classes for all age groups in mixed styles, modern line salsa hip-hop funky waltz and many more continue in the complex on Thursday evenings. Children’s classes begin at 5.30 to 6.30pm while adults take to the floor from 6.30 to 7.30pm.

Totto. The numbers 2, 5,6,4,3,1,7,8, drawn on Monday night last for a jackpot prize of €7,000 were not correctly forecast. The lucky dip winners were Deidre Mc Elvaney Cabra, Michael Mc Elvaney Cornamundy, Rosaleen McElvaney, Michael & Gerard Card, Madge Hagan Ballagh Mary Mc Guinness Ballagh, Sean Murphy Tirnaneil, Danny & PJ Cards, Patricia Mc Elvaney Santry, Alanna Elli, & Kasi. Next week’s jackpot €7,100.

St Macartan’s Gala Ball. In 2013St Macartan’s College are celebrating 100 years of Gaelic Games in the college. To mark this milestone the college is inviting all past pupils to join them at a special Centenary Gala Ball on Saturday February 16th in the Hillgrove Hotel for a reunion of past pupils and teachers in what promises to be a night to be remembered. For details on how to book tickets or to assist in the organisation of a table for this unique event please contact the school office 047-81642.

Coaching Courses. Coaching course scheduled this month at Cloghan include a Foundation course on Fri 15th and Sat 16th  February, the child protection workshop is on Friday from 7.00-10.00pm while the Saturday session is an inter active outdoor one which runs from 9.30- 4.30pm. A Level 1Children’s course runs this week end Fri 8th  (7.00-10.00pm)/Sat 9th  (9.30-4.30pm) Sun 10th (9.30-12.30pm) while the Level 1 Youth/Adult course  is on week ending Fri/Sat/Sunday 24th Feb with the Sunday session finishing at 4.30pm all other times are as per the Level 1 children’s course.

This Wednesday 6th February John Morrison /Terence Mc Williams are the tutors involved in Developing Systems of Play. This indoor theory session will looks at strategies and systems of play that will get the best out of players at your disposal and is geared towards coaches involved with 14-16 year olds. Coaches with their own tactic boards are asked to bring them along. On Wednesday 27th February Tony Scullion is the facilitator involved in Games to develop Football U16 to Senior, this is an interactive session based on small-sided, conditioned and full-sided games to improve aspects of team play. Sessions run from 7.30 -9.00pm on both date anyone interested in attending any of the above sessions or courses should contact Sean Mc Elvaney.       

By michael Wed 6th Feb

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