Sean Mc Dermotts

By michael Wed 27th Feb

Sean’s Notes

Fixtures. Sun 3rd March… RFL Div 2B… Oram v Seans at 12.00noon venue Oram.

Adult Team news.  Training continues on the usual nights and commences as always at 8.00pm sharp. Competitive action begins on Sunday next 3rd March when our reserve team travel to Oram for a 12.00 start in the opening round of the Reserve Football League Division 2B. Capturing a couple of early league point would see  this year’s campaign get off on the right note but never an easy assignment at the Oram venue.The four other clubs competing in this division are Aughnamullen,Castleblayney,Rockcorry and Truagh.

Under 8/10.  Advance notice to children and parents involved in the Under 8/10 age groups. It’s planned to have an information/registration night in the complex on Friday 22nd March, and to begin outdoor activities after Easter on Saturday 6th April. As established in previous years sessions will be in the morning  running from 10.00am -11.00am, with the introduction of midweeks sessions on Wednesday evenings as soon as daylight hours allow and these will be from 6.45pm to 7.30pm.

Cultural Night. Our Traditional Irish Music session takes place on the 2nd Friday of each month. So remember to keep the 2nd Friday free, next session takes place on Friday 8th March. We look forward to seeing you all there. Refreshments served. Everyone welcome!

Scór Sinsir: The Seans took part in the County Scór Final, on Friday night last 22nd February in Clontibret. We were represented in 3 categories. Thank you to Stephen Connolly, Peter Cullen & Conor McElvaney, for competing in Question TIme, to Louise Keelan for the beautiful Solo Singing, plus Anne Morgan, Trish McElvaney, Rosaleen McElvaney, Louise Keelan & Bronagh McCabe, for their lively performance in the Instrumental Group category! Unfortunately we didn’t progress to the next round, but we wish Emyvale, Annamullen, Scotstown & Aghabog every success in the Ulster Semi-Final, which our club hosts in our sports complex on Saturday next 2nd March at 7pm.

St. Patrick’s Night: A Traditional Irish Music session will be held on Sunday 17th March. Please keep this date, as it promises to be a great night, judging by the success of the regular monthly sessions.

Ceili Dancing. Good news for all our young dancing enthusiasts Ceili dancing classes resume in the complex this Sunday 3rd March from  6.30pm -7.30pm. All young boys and girls are welcome and invited to come along and participate.

Membeship. Membership subscriptions are now due for renewal and should be paid to club registrar Marie Mc Entee over the coming weeks. Our club membership fee remains at €20. Playing members are reminded too that they must have their subscriptions paid before they can be selected or participate in any games in the coming season.

Totto. The numbers 2,8,5,1,7,6,3,4 drawn on Monday night last for a jackpot prize of €7,300 were not correctly forecast. The lucky dip winners were S.Mulligan Rooskey, Fergal & Martina Tuffy Letterkenny, Kieran Mc Phillips Stranooden, Pearse, Ellen & James Murphy, Pete & Danny Card Players, Orlaith Mc Entee C/o Rosina Clerkin, Frank & Mary Evans, Emma Mc Elvaney Drumuck, Bernadette Connolly, Katharine Treanor Mullanacross. Next week’s jackpot €7,400.

As mentioned last week many subscriptions are now falling due for renewal especially annual €80 ones;  I would appeal to all participants to continue to support this weekly Social Members draw which is a major contributor to our club’s finances. The generosity of everyone who supports the club by subscribing to this draw is very much appreciated, please welcome your totto co coordinator when he/she call and do your best to send them away happyJ.

Players Draw. There were no fully correct predictions for Week 1 of the National Football League draw. In saying that, three entrants came extremely close to scooping the top prize, forecasting thirteen from the possible sixteen fixtures. Congratulations to Stephen Hagan who was the winner of the €50. The earnings from this draw will go towards the preparations of the adult teams throughout the year. The tickets can be bought from any senior player or member of the management team. Keep an eye out for remaining league fixture combinations and next week’s tickets as the top prize will have doubled to €500 for a fully correct forecast. Remember if you’re not in, you……..!! and it only cost €2 to enter.

Muintir Na Tire Cup.  Mention of this Cup in last week’s column in relation to the late Gerry Mc Carney (RIP). Raised a number of questions. Anybody knows the whereabouts of this trophy now. What was it played for? On the later I am reliably informed it was played for for three or four years during the 1950’s initially as an under 16 competition and maybe later awarded as a minor trophy. Local teams Aghabog, Corcaghan, Smithboro and Threemilehouse playing each other twice to decided its destination. My source has vivid recollection of Pat Clerkin being carried shoulder high in the “sailor’s meadow” when captaining Corcaghan to lift the trophy, likewise Thomas Murphy when captaining a Threemilehouse side to a similar achievement. I think it’s actually that team that appears in The Replay. .The club would be very interested in trying to unearth and recovering this trophy any information would be gratefully accepted and followed up.

Another item whose whereabouts was also unknown but recently recovered The Centenary Year Plaque, installed in the external wall of the original dressing rooms and unveiled in 1984.When work on the complex commenced in ’87 it was removed for safe custody no doubt by a concerned club member (interesting to know who!) but as to how it ended up where it was discovered in a North Monaghan business premises remains a total mystery. Suffice to say we are delighted to have it back and to having it re-erected on permanent display. The Gold Flake Cup after decades presumed lost was also reunited with the club just a couple of years ago, thanks to Brian Mc Adam (Aghabog) and appropriately Michael Mc Phillips the club’s assistant secretary  back in the ’60 when Player Wills were prevailed upon to sponsor what was  a very prodigious club tournament. So it’s not beyond the bounds of possibilities that Muintir Na Tire may also turn up, but it may take a bit of searching and combing inside and outside the parish to discover its present location!!!


By michael Wed 27th Feb

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