Eire Óg

By michael Wed 6th Feb

Eire Og Na Mullai Notes

7th Feb 2013

Alpha Lotto – Winning Letters for last Sunday nights lotto in the Skule Inn was W,B,D & L. There was no jackpot winner. The winners of the €20 lucky dips were Colm & Louise Flynn, Aghagaw – MD, Ann Treanor, Mulladuff, Henry Family, Co.Kildare, Martin Maughan, Clones, Helen Mc Mahon, Magherarney, Enda Lambe, Derrintoney. Next Sunday nights draw will be held in Bens Place.  The Jackpot will be €6,500. Thanks to all for your continued support to what is an essential club income.

 Membership – Club membership at €20 can be paid to Enda McCluskey as soon as possible.

Ladies AGM – The ladies AGM took place last Sunday, but it didn’t! Due to lack of attendance the meeting had to be cancelled. It is a disgrace that parents and players could not be bothered to attend. Yes there were genuine apologies but if the AGM cannot be held managers and officers cannot be elected so the club will cease to exist and then the whinging will start as to why there is no football in the village for the girls. It is also unfair on the current officers and members who did attend. The AGM has been re-scheduled for Thursday 14th February at 8pm sharp. All players and parents are expected to be there!

Come Dine At Mine  is Eire Og’s version of the TV programme Come Dine with Me – with a fundraising twist! If you’re already a fan of the show, you know the drill. But for those of you who don’t know what we’re talking about, the idea is simple: Just invite a few of your friends over for a dinner party, asking each friend for a €15 donation, enjoy a lovely meal with excellent company, and have fun raising money for the club. Finally, once the fine dining has finished, all are welcome back to the Skule Inn, hosts, guests and those who have not dined with us, everyone can come.  There will be a ” Boogie Bus” picking up all those who want to extend their night at the Skule Inn, with entertainment and a full house expected! This night of food and fun will take place this Saturday the 9th February. If you are interested in hosting or have any queries about the event, then please contact Ciaran Leonard 087 6296425, Colin Casey 086 4055385 or Padraig McKenna 087 7874044.

Mouth Guards – A reminder to parents of all our players up to minor age that as and from January 1 2013 mouth guards are compulsory for players in this age group. They must be worn at training and matches. An information sheet will be circulated to all underage players and parents prior to the commencement of the 2013 season.

St. Macartan’s College Gala Ball – In 2013 St. Macartan’s College are celebrating 100 years of Gaelic Games in the college. To mark this milestone the college is inviting all past pupils to join them at a special Centenary Gala Ball on Saturday February 16th in the Hillgrove Hotel for a reunion of past pupils and teachers for what promises to be a night to be remembered. Within our club there are many past pupils and this is a unique opportunity for them to support their ‘alma mater’. All proceeds will go to the redevelopment of the ‘’bottom pitch’’. For details on how to book tickets or to assist in the organisation of a table for this unique event please contact Raymond Leonard or the school office @ 047-81642

Monaghan GAA is running Foundation and Level 1 courses next month. The Foundation coaching course takes place Friday 15th (7-10pm) and Saturday 16th February (9am – 4.30 pm). The level 1 children’s course is on Fri 8th/Sat9th/Sun10th Feb and the level 1 Adults course is on Fri 22nd/Sat 23rd/Sun 24th Feb. For further information on the courses please contact youth officer Raymond Leonard 087 2459328.

Monaghan GAA coaching workshop – Monaghan GAA will be hosting the second workshop “Developing Systems of Play” on Wednesday 6th February at Cloghan. The workshop will commence at 7.30pm and is free of charge and open to coaches of all age groups. The third and final workshop is for Wednesday 13th February from 7.30 – 9pm at Cloghan. The title of the workshop is “Games to Develop Football U16 to Senior”.  Tutor will be Tony Scullion

By michael Wed 6th Feb

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