Sean Mc Dermotts

By michael Tue 29th Jan

Sean’s Notes

Adult Team news.  Training for the new season has well and truly started, the inclement weather and resultant pitch condition sees road running back on the squads fitness programme agenda. Hooded ghost like figures could be seen again around Orchard Vale, and prayers I suspect were far from their minds as they were encouraged to climb the Chapel Brae speedily and often. All players should note that Friday night’s session has been cancelled as two fitness testing sessions takes place on Saturday morning at 9.00am and at 10.30am. Maximum number of players accommodated in each testing session is around 15 so to avoid delays or waiting around players should contact Adrian or any member of the management team indicating their preferred time slot. Training on Sunday goes ahead as normal, boots and runners are of course needed.

 Cultural Night. Our Traditional Irish Music session takes place on Friday, 8th February @ 9pm sharp. We look forward to seeing many more of our club patrons coming out and lending their support to our efforts to promote the cultural aspects of our Gaelic heritage and enjoying a great night’s entertainment at the same time. A concerted effort is being made to embrace the wider traditional elements of song and dance on our session nights. Not only have we many talented musicians, but also gifted dancers and singers in attendance, they deserve our support and encouragement, hopefully the backing and boost their effort merits will be evident at our February session next week. Everyone welcome, refreshments (tea & sandwiches) served. We are also attempting to increase the use of  our Irish language within the club, and would like to gauge interest among members or the wider community in attending an informal Irish class, if anyone is interested in  the club organising or attending such a class, please contact 087 6481122.

Scór Sinsir. Our representatives will be taking part in the 1st semi-final of Scór Sinsir on Friday 15th February, David Treanor, Peter Cullen and Patrick Kieran, are our Quiz Team trio.  Louise Keelan is our Solo Singing representative; Louise teams up with Anne Morgan, Trish McElvaney, Rosaleen McElvaney, and David Lambe, in the Instrumental music group section. We wish them all well and remind members that all support and encouragement on the night would be greatly appreciated.

Membeship. Membership subscriptions are now due for renewal and should be paid to club registrar Marie Mc Entee over the coming weeks. Our club membership fee remains at €20. Playing members are reminded too that they must have their subscriptions paid before they can be selected or participate in any games in the coming season.

Bowls. Indoor bowls continues on Thursday nights from 8.00 -10.30. Recent games have seen the Seans extend their lead at the top of the table but with a couple of the chasing clubs with a game in hand our boys are very conscious nothing has been won yet. Everyone is well aware that it will take a concentrated effort in the final few games if they are to get their hand on the coveted trophy.

Dancing for Fun. Dancing classes for all age groups in mixed styles, modern line salsa hip-hop funky waltz and many more continue in the complex on Thursday evenings. Children’s classes begin at 5.30 to 6.30pm while adults take to the floor from 6.30 to 7.30pm. Vibes from those attending are very encouraging everyone agreeing classes are great and very enjoyable, however participation was disappointing last week and should that trend continue for any length of time the sustainability of these classes will come under scrutiny. Don’t let it be a case of missing the water only when the well runs dry!!!!

Totto. The numbers 4, 6,7,3,8,5,2,1, drawn on Monday night last for a jackpot prize of €6,900 were not correctly forecast. The lucky dip winners were Eamonn Fay River Garden Drumsheeney, Hugh Mc Phillips Tyredigan, Patrick Kieran Cabra, Peter Cullen Corcaghan, Paddy Mc Kenna Emyvale, Edel Mc Carron Black rawe, Marie Gilsenan Stranooden, PJ & Mickey Card, Kathleen Mc Elvaney Cabra, and Niall & Killian Murphy Nahill. Next week’s jackpot €7,000.

Good Luck.  Despite the reversal against Tyrone on Saturday night last we hope good fortune smiles on our county team squad and our own Mark Keogh as they begin their Allianz National Football League campaign against Meath in Clones on Sunday.

St Macartan’s Gala Ball. In 2013St Macartan’s College are celebrating 100 years of Gaelic Games in the college. To mark this milestone the college is inviting all past pupils to join them at a special Centenary Gala Ball on Saturday February 16th in the Hillgrove Hotel for a reunion of past pupils and teachers in what promises to be a night to be remembered. Within our club there are many past pupils and this is a great opportunity for them to support their”alma mater”. All proceeds go to the redevelopment of the “bottom pitch”. For details on how to book tickets or to assist in the organisation of a table for this unique event please contact the school office 047-81642.

Underage Front. Now that our underage squads have begun or are commencing their training and coaching routines for the coming season; it is worth reminding parents and juvenile alike that it is now compulsory to wear mouth guards not only during competitive games but also while participating in training exercises. Coaches will have no option but to refuse participation to those who ignore this directive from Croke Park and don’t equip themselves with gum shields… Research figures indicate that Ireland has one of the highest rates of sport-related oral injuries in the EU, with one third of all adult dental injuries being sports-related. In many sports such as rugby and hockey the wearing of gum shields is the norm with nearly all clubs adhering strictly to a ‘no gum shield – no game’ rule. A recent survey of Irish parents found the average cost of dental treatment for sport related dental injuries in children to be €213.14. Studies have also shown that the overall injury risk is close to twice as high when a mouth guard is not worn, relative to when mouth guards were used during athletic activity.

By michael Tue 29th Jan

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