
By michael Wed 16th Jan

Cumann Peile na Sairsealaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 17/01/13


Killeevan GAA would welcome sponsorship from local businesses or individuals. Sponsorship may come in the form of equipment for nursery activities, juvenile teams, senior teams, lotto, scór activities. These could involve kit bags, merchandise etc. If interested please contact any committee member within the next week. Beadh múid lán sásta urraíocht ar bith a fháil, beag nó mór, chun chúidiú linn i mbliana.


Míle buíochas achan as teacht.  Many thanks to all who attended our club registration day Sunday 13th.  Special thanks to John McArdle (Co. Youth Officer) who joined us and outlined his role and that of child protection in clubs.  Go raibh maith agat a Sheáin.  Ar aghaidh linn i 2013.

Béal Chosanta/Mouth Guard:

As as stressed at the registration day mouth guards are essential for all players up to and including minors.  As there are insurance issues involved it will not be possible to allow players to train or play without mouth guards. Ta sé fíor thabhactach go mbeadh ceann ag achan imreoir i mbliana.

Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line is open on: 086 1722923



Níor bhuaigh aon duine an phóta oir an seachtaine seo.

There was no winner of our lotto jackpot


Na hUimhreacha a bhaineadh.

14. 20. 21. 25.


€30 Lucky dip winner: 

Patsy Mannering, Aghabog.


€20 Lucky dip winner:

Fergus & Geraldine O’ Connor.

Sarah McGuigan, Lisnagore.

Ciaran & Abbie Mulligan.

Sean & Catriona Casey.

Noel & Paul Smith, Dooskey.


An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €2,600

The draw will take place in Dan’s Bar Sunday night 20/01/13.


Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.


Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota

Kieran Mc Garvey, Tommy Mc Garvey, Gerry Freeman, Brendan Tynan, Irene Leonard, Patrick Leonard agus Breda McCooey.



By michael Wed 16th Jan

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