Blackhill Emeralds G.F.C. club notes
All players including minors, excluding players involved with U21’s are to be at the black island for 10AM training on Sunday morning.
Junior Championship
Preliminary round: Blackhill v Killeeven.
1st round: Winner’s v Oram/Scotstown.
Training Saturday at 7pm & Sunday at 12PM.
Gum shields
It will be compulsory for all juveniles and minor players to wear gum shields in training and matches in 2013. All our juveniles must have a gum shield before training starts.
Sincere sympathy is extended to the Comiskey family Knockagolas following the recent death of Mrs Margaret Comiskey. Ar dheis Dé go raibh a-nAnamachta dhílis.
Club Notes
The deadline for inclusion in the club notes is 9pm on Mondays each week. Email
Young at Heart
Young at heart will resume on Monday February 4th.
Dancing Lessons
Dancing lessons by Olivia take place on Wednesday nights between 8pm and 9.30pm. Learn or improve Jiving, waltzing and quick step. All welcome.
St.Macartan’s College G.A.A. Gala Ball
Tickets for the St.Macartan’s College G.A.A. Centenary Black Tie Gala Ball taking place on Saturday February 16th in the Hillgrove Hotel Monaghan can be ordered in the club social centre or by contacting Paul West. Tickets are priced at €75. Father Enda McCormack (R.I.P.) regarded widely as the greatest manager in the history of St.Macartan’s College G.A.A. was a Blackhill club man.
By michael Wed 23rd Jan