
By michael Wed 12th Dec

Latton GFC Notes – Week Beginning 10th December 2012


On Sunday 9th in Joe Rices bar numbers drawn were: 6-26-19-20. Bonus No.3

No winner. €20 winners: Peader Mc Nally, Ballybay. Tom & peg Mc Phillips, Latton. Kathleen Coyle, Latton. Ciaran Traynor, Ballybay. THIS WEEKS JACKPOT: €20,500. Draw will take place in Paddy Lynches, Lisnalong.

Our Lotto will finish up for X Mas on Sun 16th and back on 13th January.

Social centre

Latton GFC will hold there X Mas party night on Thursday 27th December with Special guest the Fuzzy Burgers, a night not to be missed. All bookings for centre to be made through Brendan Fitzpatrick phone o86-8297666.

Official club website

The club website is now up and running. You can keep up to date with all club fixtures and results. 


Our A G M will be held in the club rooms this evening at 7-30 pm sharp. So why not come and show your support for our club and join in the review of the past year.

Recent deaths

On behalf of the club I would like to extend our deepest and heartfelt condolences to Pete and Helen Coyle on the death of their beautiful daughter Emily and also to her brother Evan and to Sheila Lynch and family on the death of Tommy. May they rest in peace.

Pool Competition

Pool competition continues in the social centre this weekend, entry fee €10. First prize €200. Second prize €80. Third prize €40.

Keep fit

Ladies circuit training Monday & Wednesday evenings from 7-30 to 8-30, everybody welcome.


From January 1st 2013 it will be mandatory for all players up to and including minor to use a mouthguard for training sessions and all matches.

The gathering

Latton GFC hope to organise an event in conjunction with the gathering Ireland 2013. There will be a meeting on Monday 17th at 8-30 in the club rooms for anyone interested in helping with the organising of this event.


Good luck to Frank Brady & Finbar Fitzpatrick on their recent appointments as County minor and U-21 mangers.

Awards night

The club annual awards night will be held on Saturday the 2nd of February in the social centre.

Senior management

Meath man Dudley Farrell has been appointed manager of our senior team for the coming year.




By michael Wed 12th Dec

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