Scór na nÓg finals

By michael Tue 27th Nov

The final of the Acorn Life-sponsored Scór na nÓg took place in Ardaghey Community Centre on Friday night last (November 23). A capacity crowd enjoyed a great night’s entertainment and credit is due to all the performers on the night. It is an old cliché but true to say they were all winners on the night. Eleven clubs were represented in the finals Scotstown, Seán McDermotts, Emyvale, Drumhowan, Monaghan Harps, Monaghan Haps ladies, Clones, Killeevan, Truagh, Aghabog and Latton. Fear an Tí Mackie Rooney kept the show moving at a brisk pace. Thanks to Acorn Life for their sponsorship of Scór.


The winners in the various categories were:


Rince Foirne: Scotstown

Solo Singing: Tara Gilsenan (Monaghan Harps)

Ceol Uirlise (Instrumental): Drumhowan

Recitation: Colm Kirke (Clones)

Ballad Group: Scotstown

Nuachleas (Novelty): Drumhowan

Rince Seit: Drumhowan

Tráth na gCeist: Drumhowan


An club is Fearr award went to Drumhowan while the Peggy McQuaid shield was awarded to Scotstown. Míle Buíochas to all the clubs who supported Scór na nÓg, to the performers, their tutors and teachers and also to the Scór committee who worked very hard to ensure the smooth running of the competition. The winners now go on to the Ulster semi-final along with Armagh and Cavan in Silverbridge on December 8 at 7pm, where we wish them every success.

By michael Tue 27th Nov

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