
By michael Tue 27th Nov

AGM 2012 Minutes

At a well attended AGM on Friday last in the community centre    Chairman Johnny Quinn opened the meeting by welcoming all those present.       Attendance per the signed sheet.      Minutes of the 2011 meeting were proposed by Paddy Quinn and seconded by John McMahon.  Secretary’s report was proposed by Michael Crawley and seconded by Johnny Quinn. Financial report was proposed by Seamus Murray and seconded by John Tobin.  Juvenile Officers report was proposed by Martin Burns and seconded by Paul Grimes. Chairman Johnny Quinn addressed the meeting. It was proposed that John Gartlan, Hugh Finnegan and Joe McConnon be asked to become Presidents of the Club. The following officer positions were uncontested – Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, PRO, Development Officer, Co Board Rep  and Youth Officer. Peter McMahon, Adrian Campbell, Donal McArdle, Cillian Leegan and John McMahon were elected as Vice Chairman, ASAP Officer, Assistant Secretary, U21 Player Rep and Cultural Officer respectively. Michael Crawley announced to the meeting that Peter Dooley had informed him that he wished to withdraw from the position of Senior Player Representative. It was agreed that a new representative would be selected after a players meeting before the start of the new season.There were two valid nominations for Committee Members Paul Grimes and Michael Quinn Snr and since there were no valid nominations for Asst Pro, Michael Crawley proposed that both be elected to the Committee. Michael Quinn then indicated that he wished to withdraw his name. Paddy Quinn then nominated Dermot Boylan as an alternative, which was seconded by Michael Crawley and he and Paul Grimes were duly elected. 

Michael Crawley -That the membership fee is increased to €30 per annum and that the lower rate for students is eliminated. This would ensure that all players could vote at the AGM which is not the case at the moment. Carried
Johnny Quinn announced that Eddie Walsh was to be the third selector on the 2013 senior management team and sought ratification for Jody Clarke as 2013 manager. As no one else was willing to go forward Paul Grimes announced that he would be the third selector. Tommy Gartlan presented a short report on the activities of the Ladies club during the 2011  All those who passed away during the year were remembered. There being no further business the meeting concluded.
The juvenile AGM will be held in the new year. Youth officer Martin Burns is at the minute looking for candidates to take over some of the juveniles teams. So if you would like to help out let Martin know as soon as possible
By michael Tue 27th Nov

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