
By michael Tue 30th Oct

Cumann Peile na Sairsealaigh Cill Laobhain

Club Notes – 01/11/12


Comhghairdeas do na baill óg abhí pairteach sa comórtas seo de hAoine seo caite. Congratulations and well done to the 15 children who represented Cill Laobhan in the Spraoi competition i dTeach na dTrí Mhíle. They were Abbey Scott, Emma Scott, Eleanor O Reilly, Jane Mc Ginn, Brendan Reilly, Jim Mc Guirk, Chelsea Conlon, David Mc Guigan, Louise Mc Guirk, Macayla Greenan, Kaitlyn Greenan, Annie Rose O Reilly, Grainne Mc Fadden, Orla Mc Ginn and Emma Corley.

Special congratulations to Abbey & Emma Scott, Eleanor O Reilly, Jane Mc Ginn, Brendan Reilly and Jim mc Guirk who won the Irish Dancing competition – this is always a very competitive section and its is the first time ever that Killeevan had success in dancing at the Spraoi competition. Killeevan club and parents are very thankful to Pauline Conlon who coached the Irish Dancers.

Commiserations to the Novelty Act who lost out on first place to Drumhowan by just one point.

Thanks to all who helped out especially Margaret, Breda, Pauline and Rose Mary. Killeevan would like to thank the 15 children for their dedication and excellent behaviour over the past number of weeks and on the night of competition -the club is proud of you all.  Míle buíochas don grúpa óg seo go léir agus a gCeannairí.

Iris Bliantúil C.L.G./G.A.A. Yearbook.

Míle buiochas d’achan duine a thug grianghraif nó cuir síos ar imeachtaí a fhoireann.  Many thanks to all who supplied photographs or a run down on their team’ activities throughout the  year of 2012.  A comprenhensive report on our club will appear in the County Year Book. Go raibh maith agaibh go léir.Earraí an Chlub/Merchandise Christmas Club

Caith dathanna ár gClub!  A Christmas club has been started for club merchandise. Deposits and payments are now being taken. All orders and full payments must be received by November 7th,which gives you 2+ weeks to make payments big or small. Hoodies, Polo Shirts, Tee Shirts, Rain Jackets, Club Jerseys, Drawstring Bags and Woolen Hats are available. All prices include club crest, club name and your initials if requested. Tuilleadh eolais contact Seamus 087 1335202. Bronntanas deas don Nollaig


Tá an féilire leis an clódóir anois.  Juvenile Calendar is now with the printer.  Anyone who is thinking of sending the finished article to a loved one abroad should order them now by contacting any of the following, Pat O’Leary, Mary Quigley. Helena Smith, Breda McCooey, Patricia Smith or Cathaoirleach Darren Greenan.  Míle buíochas d’achan duine a thug cuidiú duinn.


Páirc ‘Astro’ na Sairsealaigh

Booking line is open on: 086 1722923



Níor bhuaigh aon duine an phóta oir an seachtaine seo.

There was no winner of our lotto jackpot .

Na hUimhreacha a bhaineadh.

02. 09. 20. 24.

€30 Lucky dip winner: 

Rory Larmer, Newbliss.

€20 Lucky dip winner:

Mickey McGuigan, Newbliss.

Olive Smith, Killycoonagh.

Eithne Green, Glear.

Joseph Rooney, Rockcorry.

Tony Burke, Ellinure.

An Pota Óir an seachtain seo chugainn/Next Weeks jackpot is €10,800

The draw will take place in Dan’s Bar Sunday night 04/11/12.

Ár mbuíochas d’achan duine a chuidíonn linn sa chrannchur.

Uainchlár Chrannchur/Lotto Rota

Patrick Mc Donnell, John Clerkin, Fergal Fitzpatrick, Brian McGuirk, Bridget Thunder, Minor Mc Phillips, Sinead Lynch agus Eugene Greenan


By michael Tue 30th Oct

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