Cremartin Shamrocks

By michael Tue 16th Oct



There was no winner of the Shalotto held in the Social Club on Sunday 14th October.  Numbers Drawn were: 5-10-24-28.  Lucky Dip Winners: Catherine Muldoon, Tattyreagh, Henry Brennan, Tasson, Annette McHugh, Cashel, Ben Morgan, Cornamucklagh, The Marray Family, Lackagh.  The Jackpot stands at €7,000 and this weekend’s draw will take place in Atkinson’s Shamrock Bar on Sunday evening next. You may join the Annual Shalotto Scheme by contacting any member of the Club Committee.

PLEASE NOTE: ALL Shalotto tickets must be handed in by 9.30 p.m. every Sunday evening to ensure that they go into the draw.

Lotto Rota: This Sunday – Mickey McGuigan, Ann Mulligan and Tony Boyd.

IFL Cremartin v Inniskeen

After a fiercely contended game last Saturday we were defeated in the final minutes of the game by Inniskeen on a scoreline of Cremartin 1-11 Inniskeen 2-11.  Team and scores: Damien Lavelle, Conor Mulligan, Patrick McGuigan, Fergal Mulligan, Kevin Atkinson, Declan Farrell, Jonathan McGuigan (0-2), Gary Boyd (0-1), Niall Flanagan, Eanna Atkinson (0-1), Kevin Brennan (0-5), Declan Mulligan (0-2), Liam McVicar, Mark Magee (1-0) and Ryan McVicar.  Subs used: Barry Carragher.

This was our last game of the league and our season is now over.  A big thank you to our Management Team of Gerry McCarville, Ciaran McVicar and Maurice Branigan.  Thanks also to Gerry Atkinson (first aid) and to John O’Brien (Physio) and of course to all the lads for the huge effort they put in all year.  Thanks to all our loyal Supporters who were at every game.  We now look forward to 2013 and whatever it may bring.

The Patrick McGuigan Memorial Cup and Shield: will take place in Cremartin on Saturday 20th October 2012 at 2.00 p.m.  Hope to see you all there.

U-16: Thank you: to Tony Brennan T&B Engineering for the generous donation towards the U-16 Championship Winning Team meal after the game which was very much appreciated.


Please note that our AGM will take place this year on Sunday 18th November in Cremartin.  Please keep this date free.

Kids Fancy Dress Halloween Disco: will take place on Friday 26th October in Cremartin Hall from 7-9 p.m.  Everyone welcome.

CPR & DEFIBRILLATOR Course: in Cremartin Hall on Sat. 3rd Nov. from 9:00am to 1:00pm.  Anyone who would like to enrol or for further information please contact Margaret Marray on 0863557921.  If 2 years have passed since your last 4-HOUR Course you should register for this one as some protocols have changed.  Please text Margaret to register ASAP.

CPR & AED REFRESHER evening in Cremartin Hall on Thurs. 25th October.  Call in any time between 7:00pm and 8:30pm.

Club Gear

Club Gear can make an ideal gift/present.  Gift Vouchers are available.  Anyone interested in any of our new Club Gear please contact Anne Branigan on 086 3169102.

Astro Turf Pitch

Anyone wishing to book the Astro Pitch can do so by contacting Gerry Carragher on 087 2921926. Also available for parties.

Notes for Publication

Please be aware that Club Notes have to be submitted by 9.00 p.m. on Monday evening. Please contact Dairíne McBennett on 086 3362049 or email

By michael Tue 16th Oct

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