Tyholland Notes

By michael Mon 13th Jun

Slotto: Numbers drawn are 8, 13, 16, 17. Lucky dip winners are Erin McGuigan, Cyril Ronaghan, Barry Hughes and James Eakin. Well done! This weekends jackpot is a massive €12,000.

Fixtures: Reserves are at home to Drumhowan on Saturday 18th June at 7.45pm. Seniors have been drawn against Sean MacDermotts in back door of championship – dates and fixtures have yet to be released.

Results: IFC, Tyholland 1-7 Donaghmoyne 11pts.

Juveniles: Training continues for U12s every Tuesday and Friday evening at 6pm. U10s/U8s training every Friday evening at 6pm. U12s are at home to Truagh on Saturday 18th at 12pm. U16s are at home to Inniskeen on Thursday 23rd at 7pm.

Ladies: U12 and U14 training continues every Friday from 6pm – 7pm. U12s are at home to Killeevan on Saturday morning 18th June. Congratulations to Leitrim N.S girls team on winning the schools county final.

Congratulations: To Emily McQuaid and Eamonn Treanor on their marriage last weekend, wishing you every happiness following your special day.

Sympathy: The club wish to extend their sympathy to the McCleary family on the recent passing of Liam McCleary, Laturcan. Also to Pearl McGuirk and family on the death of her brother, Paddy Macklin, Florida .

Monaghan VHI Cul Camps: All camps cater for 5-13 year olds, boys and girls. Cost €55 for 1st child in family, €50 for 2nd child and €35 for 3rd child. €30 if a child wishes to attend a 2nd camp. Places are available on all camps. Register online: www.gaa.ie or for further information contact games development manager, Paul O’Connor 086-8374827 or developmentmanager.monaghan@gaa.ie.

Weekly Events: Irish Dancing Classes continue every Wednesday from 6pm-7.30pm. Ceilí Dancing classes continue every Wednesday evening from 7.30pm – 9pm. Everyone welcome.

Weekly notes: Anyone wishing to contribute to club notes please contact P.R.O on 0879229436

By michael Mon 13th Jun

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