Rockcorry Notes

By michael Tue 8th Mar



8th March 2011


 “Rock Country” Night

In a country where the once powerful growl of the vigorous Celtic Tiger has been reduced to an anxious whimper! In a country experiencing an economic crisis including countless banking controversies! In a country beset with many problems and surrounded with doom & gloom! But despite all the woes, twelve talented singers leaped forward from the crowd and shouted STOP! “Let us entertain you”. “We will put smiles back on the faces of the Rockcorry people”. “We will provide joy and excitement”. “We shall sing our favourite Country & Western songs and the people will have fun and have an amazing night. It will be a night like no other and it shall be named “ROCK COUNTRY” and will take place on Friday 18th March in St. Mary’s Hall. Performing on the night will be Phillip Clarke, Annette Hillis, Kelly Crowe, Hughie Carroll, Nuala Boylan, Fionnuala McQuillan, Robert Brown, Warren Brown, Elaine Tate, Irene McCormick, Ollie McQuillan and Patricia Treanor. All performers are working extremely hard practicing their routine to make sure the evening is as enjoyable and funny as possible and we would ask people to throw your weight behind this event and show your support by supporting them and buying a ticket for this magical experience that will live long in your memory. Last weekend all singers were in the studio recording the album and I was privileged to get a sneak preview of the CD and let me tell you folks it’s out of this world. You will all be familiar with the music featured on this spectacular CD and it will be officially launched on the night. Local DJ, Sean McCaffrey will be our master of ceremonies and “Rock Country” is guaranteed to be a show not to be missed. Come on folks, Live it, breathe it, looooove Rock Country Music.

Reserve Team Fixtures

Our reserve team will start their league campaign this Saturday 12th March with a home game against Truagh at 4.00pm. On Saturday 26th March they travel to play Emyvale and the game has a throw-in time of 4.00pm.

Senior Team Fixtures

Our senior team will commence their Intermediate league campaign with a home game against Aughnamullen on Saturday 19th March at 3.00pm. On Sunday 27th March we have another home game against Drumhowan at 2.30pm.

Allianz Football League

The AFL game Monaghan v Dublin this Sunday 13th March is in Clones. A half-time draw ill take place and 1st prize is tickets for the All Ireland Football Final, 2nd prize €100.

Minor Trials

Well done to Mark McGuirk and Fergal McGeough who have been named on the Monaghan minor panel and we wish them the very best in their endeavors to nail down a place on the Minor team.

Code of Best Practice

With the juvenile league competitions starting shortly it is important that all parents are familiar with our Code of Best Practice and that they sign the declaration form and return same to our Youth Officer Pascal Smith.

Coaching Workshops

A level 1 coaching course will take place on March 11th and March 12th in Cloghan and will be carried out by Michael Henry, Gareth Coyle & Colin Malone. A Coaching the Coaches Football (U14 – U16) workshop will take place on Tuesday 15th March at Cloghan and Paul Turley / Marty Corey will be the tutors. Anyone wishing to attend any of the above workshops or courses please contact Paul O’Connor on 086-8374827.


You can now catch all the breaking news by following us on Facebook and to date a lot of people have requested to be friends and many thanks for your interest and we look forward to your interaction over the coming year.

Top 4 Lotto Results

The numbers drawn last Monday night were 5, 10, 24, and 28. There was no jackpot winner of €6,200.00. The following won €15 each :- Breda McCaul Drumcall, The McDermott Family Rockcorry, John Bradford Rockcorry, Teresa Morrissey c/o Ann Lynch, Eoin Gilsenan c/o Patsy Connolly, Tony McGorman Aghabog, John Maguire Newbliss, Ivan McCullom Rockcorry. Next week’s jackpot will be €6,300.00 and the draw will take place in Paddy Lynch’s, Lisnalong. Thank you for supporting our Top 4 lotto draw.




Annual Top 4 Lotto Ticket

If you are not currently subscribing to our Top 4 lotto draw you can now support the club by entering the weekly draw for 12 months, 6 months or a 3 month period. To play simply select your four numbers between 1 and 28 complete the form and you need never miss a draw again! Tickets cost €90 for the 12 month option. Your continued support is always much appreciated and we wish you good luck in future draws.

New Arrival

Congratulations and best wishes to Kerrie and Niall on the birth of their beautiful baby girl Eva.

Happy Birthday

Happy birthday to Kieran Rooney who celebrated his birthday last weekend. 

Club Membership

Club membership is now due and committee members will be visiting you shortly to update you club membership. The annual subscription for adults has been reduced to €20 with all juveniles under the age of 18 costing €5 and any student that can provide a valid student card the membership fee is €5. With the new football season starting this weekend it is important that ALL players pay their membership before the first game otherwise you will not be covered under the GAA insurance scheme. For all other members the closing date for club membership will close on Thursday 31st March.

By michael Tue 8th Mar

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