Camogie notes

By michael Wed 16th Mar

March 15th ‘11

U14 Development Squad

Adverse weather played havock for the eagerly awaited training for the U14 Development Squad on Saturday last. The training will resume in Cloghan next Saturday at 3pm. Clubs are reminded to send along a coach to accompany their representatives to help out with training.

County team

Mentors Paul Ward and Geraldine Clarke are currently using challenge matches as a training preparation in the run up to the Ulster Junior Championship on 16th April. They would also like to see a better turn out at the training sessions “100% commitment required if we want the right result”

Foundation Course


The second part of the foundation course was held in Donaghamoyne Community Centre on Friday evening last where participants got an in depth level of tuition on camogie coaching from Area Representative Ger Gribben. Quite a few had taken up the first part of the course which had been delivered in the latter part of 2010. More Coaches of underage will undoubtedly strengthen the clubs in the long run.

Camogie Congress

The Launch of An Chomhdhail Bhliantuil took place in Belfast’s City Hall on March 7th where the Lord Mayor welcomed , Ard Stiúrthóir Sinead O’Connor, Officials of Antrim, Ulster Camogie and Club Antrim  announced details of the 2011 Congress which will be held on the 25th and 26th March in the Wellington Park Hotel Belfast. Catherine O Hara,Antrim who held the position of Ulster Chairperson for the past three years will contest the position of President elect.

Hurling/Camogie Conference

The conference will be held in Monaghan County Training Grounds, Cloghan on Sat April 2nd. Tutors delivering practical sessions are Paudie Butler (National Hurling Director), Ronan McWilliams (Ulster Council Regional Development Officer) & Gerard Gribben (Camogie Regional Development Officer). John Leahy Former all star & Tipperary Senior Hurler will also be in attendance. This conference is due to start @ 9:30.

                                             Club News


Training continues on Monday and Thursday night at 7pm in the football field. We want to welcome all new members to the team this year. Its great to see fresh faces on the field. We wish to congratulate  Olivia Boylan on the birth on her little girl and also we extend congratulations to Mairead McGahon on the birth of her baby girl.

Can all players who may have jerseys from last year, please bring them up to training as we need full set for games starting soon. Also any old skirts, skorts or helmets going unused in your closet, would be greatly appreciated as we are short on stock! Please give to any camogie player or come along to training.

We are participating in the St Patricks Day parade being held in Inniskeen, if all players could attend wearing Camogie Jackets & Skorts, Socks etc. Parade to kick off at 2pm. Aisling will be in touch re meeting times etc.


Training continues tomorrow Friday at 6.30 and again on Monday at 8pm.  The county blitz takes place on Sunday the 10th of April.  Could everyone please make sure they are available.

By michael Wed 16th Mar

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