Aughnamullen Notes

By michael Tue 4th Jan

LOTTO results for the 18th of December.
Numbers drawn were 1, 2, 15 and 18. There was no winner.
Lucky dip winners: Sean Geoghegan, Kieran Connolly, Thomas Meegan, Gerard Mc Geough, Sean Geoghegan, Phillip Connolly, David Shevlin, Caroline Gilliland, Peter Dooney, Helen Larkin,
Colm Mc Geough, Imelda Boyle, Amanda Boyle, Bernie Conlon and Fiona Connolly.
Jackpot now stands at €8,600 and the draw will take place on Sunday the 23rd of January.
A big thank you to all our lotto sellers for their hard work throughout the year and to everyone who supported the lotto.
AUGHNAMULLEN G.F.C would like to wish all our players, members, staff and supporters at home and overseas, a very happy, healthy and peaceful 2011.
A.G.M. The Annual General Meeting took place on the 10th of December 2010.
Officers Elected: Chairman: PJ Forde. Secretary: Brian Mc Ardle. Treasurer: Tony Ward. Vice Chairman: Peter Dooney. Assistant Secretary: Owen Bannigan. Assistant Treasurer: Peter Dooney.
P.R.O: Gerard Mc Geough. Assistant P.R.O: Mary B Hamill. Development Officers: Owen Bannigan & Peter Dooney. Cultural Officer: Joe Duffy. Juvenile Officer: John Sheridan. County Board Delegate: Joe Duffy. Grounds Person: Kevin Mc Guigan.
MEMBERSHIP is now payable to any committee member for the coming year. Under 18`s €5, Adults €20 and Families €40.
WELL DONE to Pete Dooney who took part in Farney Barney. Pete put in a great performance and in many of the crowds eyes won the bout only for a questionable call by the referee!!!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS to Mickey & Hilary Murtagh on the birth of a baby girl, to Paddy & Yvonne Murtagh on the birth of a baby boy and to Charlie & Patricia Murtagh on the birth of a baby boy.
SYMPATHY is extended to the Mulligan Family, Coas, on the death of Rose Kane (nee Mulligan) Coas/Roscommon, to the Harte family Brackley/Drumlane on the death of Olive Harte, to the Mc Eneaney family Carrickatee on the death of Gene Mc Eneaney and to the Connolly & Smyth families on the death of Tess Mc Guinness Castleblayney. May they rest in peace and may the souls of all family members throughout 2010 rest in peace.
By michael Tue 4th Jan

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